The Survival Fire Pen

Its slim profile and aluminum construction offer the ultimate in light weight  carrying convenience and its high compression seal permits ignition of natural tinders like cattail fluff and decayed wood. All this in a package no larger than an ordinary pocket pen.  Now available in red.

Both versions are available with the optional hidden fero rod

The Survival Fire Pen is available in two versions:

Fire Pen I Silver - Fire piston function only - $50.00

Fire Pen II Silver - Fire piston plus ferocerium sparking rod - $55.00

Fire Pen I Red - $55.00

Fire Pen II Red - $60.00
Survival Fire Pen I    ( weight -  41 grams )
Fire Pen II with Fero rod    ( Weight - 46 grams )

( The fero rod is sheathed within the piston shaft and accessed by removing the Pen cap )
Tera-Light Mini 
2nd Generation
 FireSteel Products
Fire Pen
Scout Products
Custom FIre Pistons
String Gasket Fire Pistons
Flint + Steel
Fire By Friction
Vertical Burn
Survival Fire Flares
Natural Plant Tinders
Native Fire Piston Research
History of Fire Piston
Contact Us
Demo clips

The following video clip demonstates fire making using the Survival Fire Pen, a few chunks of decayed wood and shredded bark.
Click here to place an order
Please note - Due to availability problems we are no longer able to include the pocket clip. We are searching for a new supplier.