The jungles of Borneo are the original birthplace of the fire piston. As each successive generation of the Penan people reaches to adopt modern technology, some piece of the past slips away. 

Wilderness Solutions is extremely grateful to Stuart for carrying our fire pistons along on his recent expedition to the Penan people of Borneo. Although still skilled with the blow gun, knowledge of fire piston construction among the Penan has gradually been replaced by that of more modern conveniences. These fire pistons were presented as gifts to the tribal elders who still remember how fire was once made. 

Through Stuart's efforts, a wild seed has now been replanted in its homeland..... 
Tera-Light Mini 
2nd Generation
 FireSteel Products
Fire Pen
Scout Products
Custom FIre Pistons
String Gasket Fire Pistons
Flint + Steel
Fire By Friction
Vertical Burn
Survival Fire Flares
Natural Plant Tinders
Native Fire Piston Research
History of Fire Piston
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Stuart from the UK succeeded in locating a native Orang Asli firepiston maker and was able to record the construction of traditional firepiston in just two hours, using only a parang, a sharpened screwdriver and a file.